Mikael Gravers: publications related to Buddhism and Modernity
2006: "Buddhismen i Thailand - en national religion mellem tradition og globalisering". Religion. Tidsskrift for Religionslærerforeningen for Gymnasiet og HF, Nr. 2, juni, pp. 48-64.
2010: “The Monk in Command”. The Irrawaddy vol.18 No.5, 2010 (pp.3). (On the Monk U Thuzana, Karen State Burma).
2011: “Religious Imaginary as an Alternative Social and Moral Order – Karen Buddhism across the Burma – Thai Border.” Paper for the workshop”Transnational Religion, Missionization, and Refugee Migrants, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen, October 6-7, 2011. (Forthcoming). (Article on the Karen monk U Thuzana, co-founder of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army, Karen State, Burma).
(2011, submitted): “Monks, Morality and Military. The Struggle for Moral Power in Burma – Buddhism’s uneasy relation with lay power.” Pp. 20. (Discussing Buddhism’s political engagement, moral leadership against totalitarian rule in Burma and the bagground of the Saffron Revolution).
(2012, in press): ‘Waiting for a Righteous Ruler – Karen Royal Imaginary in Thailand and Burma.’ Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, June 2012). (On Buddhist cosmological imaginary).